Sunday, October 12, 2008

6 quirks

My friend Lisa, had this blog on her page and I thought this would be interesting to be tagged on. I sadly do have a lot of quirks. Finding 6 really won't be that big of a deal. I'm just hoping that I won't be judged. A person like me, who is very flawed, should not have this many quirks. But that my friends, is one of my flaws. So take this challenge and list 6 of your quirks. And let me know so I can read about them and gain new ones of my own. bah.

1. I am a compulsive hand washer. Clean hands are very important to me. They touch my face, they touch food, and they touch everything else in between. You don't start to cook until you wash your hands. You don't leave the bathroom until you wash your hands. If you apply make up, yes, you wash your hands. It's a courtesy to others and to yourself.

2. In any relationship I feel that the man should open a door. The man should never wait for a women to hold it for them. If a women doesn't like men to open doors for them than they can kindly hold the door for themselves and then walk through.

3. I'm not very superstitious. But when you drive over a railroad you better be touching some metal. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

4. Country music makes me vomit. End of quirk #4.

5. I am a shoe freak!! My quirk is that I have a very hard time throwing them away!! With size 11-12 shoes, if I find good heels, you bet I'm keeping them forever!!

6. I'm a compulsive bone cracker!!! Knuckles, back, neck, hip, wrist, ankle, toes, knees, shoulders... If it bends, I crack it. It really annoys me when people look at me like I'm disgusting when I do it. I especially hate the "you're going to get arthritis" statement. So far, I'm the only one in my family that doesn't have it. Medically, the only harm that cracking does is leave your joins swollen or sore. Which I've never had a problem with. But even if I did, that is something I can handle for a delicious moment of gravity defying tiny massage crackles on my bones.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Twilight Movie Trailer!!!!!

I am a tard. I can't get this to download. So check this out and go and watch the new twilight trailer. holla.