Full Name:
Rachel Erin 'Mckinnon' Ream
Things I love about you:
You are such a thoughtful and sincere person. You take friendship and family seriously. I can always depend on you to listen or to have someone to be there for me. I love that you always call me or write me a letter on important dates regarding my mother. You're always on time and you are super dependable. You are the best massage therapist in the world. I love your urban fashion and your many ways to pay less for amazingly cute things.
Something Rachel doesn't know:
I think of Rachel as one of the key roles in me gaining a testimony of the LDS church. Between the conversations while working at Shopko, going to church, and just being a wonderful friend, I was given many enlightened experiences. She helped me realize the love that Heavenly Father has for me. She also was extremely supportive of me taking my time to gain a testimony for myself.
Things to know about Rachel:
She has an amazing singing voice. It's sweet, clear, and beautiful. She is a great writer. She is my co-captain of the 'rieting time' group. She is a very patient and loving mother of 3. She is extremely smart and always witty.
Some of Rachel's nicknames:
Scout, Pookie, Rache...
A memory of Rachel that she might not remember:
In girl's camp we were hanging out in our group's tent. I was lying down on a sleeping bag and reading. Rachel was looking through a notebook where I had some drawings and random things that I had written down. On the first page there was a disco song that I was in love with. She sang the song in a jewel-like voice and in a very slow and indie rhythm. Later when we were home and I showed her the insanely heavy disco beat that came from the actual song - she hated it. I have never sung that song with it's real tune since. :)
Small note to Rachel:
I'm so grateful that you are my friend. I have so much respect for the way that you love and mother your children. I love how our friendship has grown so solid over the years. I am blessed to have you to depend on and to be able to talk to. Your kind and wise words have helped me so much. You are one amazing lady and I hope that in the future I can be as genuine and sweet hearted as you are. Thank you for always being patient with me and my craziness. I love you very much. XO. Rie.
How wonderful to have someone so dear and special to you and has influenced you in such a positive sweet way. I believe Heavenly Father blesses us with people like that in our lives who play such an important role in our lives. I love those people who have been such amazing examples to me and who don't even know it!
How wonderful to have someone so dear and special to you and has influenced you in such a positive sweet way. I believe Heavenly Father blesses us with people like that in our lives who play such an important role in our lives. I love those people who have been such amazing examples to me and who don't even know it!
What a fantastic idea! And sweet tribute! Bravo, Rie-rie!
Wonderful post idea... I will have to steal it when I have "blogger's block". And, glad you have a good friend like Rachel!
YES, you are so amazing, what a wonderful blog idea!!!!
What a lucky lady Rachel is as well to have you as her friend. You rock my world girl
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