Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stay classy San Diego...

Yes, I know, my blog sucks lately. I'm sorry. I have been stuck with an Internet at home that I have to sit in my living room hooked to a cord while I use it - thus no blogging. I need to get a wireless modem so I can actually blog or write in my room with some peace and quiet.

I thought I'd give a quick update on a little trip I just had. I went to San Diego with Annie on January 27th and we flew home on January 28th. Why such a short trip you ask? Well that is simple. We flew out there to see our favorite man, Neal Mortensen, graduate the Marines and then bring him home as fast as possible so we could savor his 17 day leave.

The flight to Arizona had us cracking up with laughter. I’m sure it had a lot to do with the sleep deprivation but I cannot help but give credit to the people that we were lucky enough to sit by. *raises a half filled airplane cup of warm apple juice* So here is to you - Body Oder Man and Pocket-Pal Predator Weave. Our flights wouldn’t have been the same without you.

The flight going to California- well we may have been the annoying people on that one. We laughed the entire time and listened to Annie’s iPod. Annie and I arrived on Thursday morning into San Diego, we checked into our hotel, and then went straight to the Marine Base. We were in love with all of the military men and their polite manners. (I kind of want to move there –there were fine men falling out of the woodwork.)

I got to meet the mission leaders that were over the Marine base. They were the loveliest couples. They were so happy to serve and had some amazing stories about the men that changed their lives during basic training. Neal came and met us by the Marina and we had lunch that was provided by the church as we hugged and caught up on the last 3 months. We walked around base for a few hours and got more food and did a bit of shopping.

That night Annie and I went to old town San Diego and had some delicious Mexican food at Cafe Coyote. Everything was delicious. We walked around for a bit and went window shopping in some really interesting stores...were Annie got in trouble by an overly angry sales clerk as she tried on a wrestling mask.

The next morning was the graduation and we went back to the base. I cannot even express my love and pride for Neal. He is such an amazing friend. He has helped me become closer to the church, helped me trust others more, and helped me love myself. He is dependable and charming and strong. He brings laughter to my life every day. He has helped me in so many ways. I could never thank him enough for the change that he brought to my life. Watching him graduate as a Marine was such an honor. I am so proud of him.

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