Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome to the weight watcher hunger games...

I'm giving a belated update for my first month of weight loss.  From Thanksgiving to Christmas I lost 25 lbs.  Not too shabby, my dear Watson.  I'm proud of the weight I lost this month.  Passing up the baked treats and holiday snacks was quite the hurdle for me, but I did it! 
I had one snack a week this month.  I gave everything else to friends, family, and yes, even the trash can.  I'm hoping for an equally successful month in January.  I might not hit the exact number of pounds lost by February 1st, but I hope that my motivation and hard work will have the same stamina.  I'll check in soon!


we love cake!!! said...

thats so great sariah! keep up the good work!

we love cake!!! said...

so sorry Sariah, its Aerial!......i totally forgot my tag line reads "we love cake" bad

Lera said...

So awesome! Super proud of you!