Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Losing Weight Update-January

From Thanksgiving to the end of December I lost 25 lbs.  I wanted to stay motivated throughout January, and for the most part I did.  There were a few days that I had a sweet-tooth-carb-tooth-cheese-tooth-salt-tooth, but for the most part I ate within my daily calorie zone.  Through January I counted calories more so than following the Weight Watchers plan.  For some reason calorie counting is easier for me, not as stressful.  I’m such an ‘all or nothing’ person that black and white rules seem easier to follow.  I quit Weight Watchers this month because I do just fine with calorie counting, plus quitting will save me the $40 a month fee.

What I’m doing: 
Only one soda a day – It must be a diet/low cal soda
Calorie counting
One cheat day a I stay sane
I’m trying to get ready for work every day.  I feel better about myself and am more conscience of the things I do and eat
Packing snacks for work

In January I lost-drumroll……………….9 pounds!  Between having pneumonia, planning/throwing a baby shower, 3 birthdays, and being in bed with a hurt back, I think I did fairly well.

My total weight lost is 34 pounds; that is approx. 2.8 lbs a week. 

Here’s to February!!   *cheers with a protein shake


Lera said...

You are rocking it! I seem to have hit a plateau, so I'm going to change things up and calorie count as well. Here's to a thinner me and you! ;)

Rie Pie said...

I think you're doing great Lera!
Hello Fitness Pal!!

The Rookie said...

Teach me, oh wise one! I have gained pretty much everything I ever lost back as of late. And the only way to console myself is through chocolate. And cheese. And anything baked and good. And ice cream. :/