Monday, March 16, 2009

Ten Things I've learned this Week

Ten Things I've learned this Week

This was not a blog and tag post. But I saw this one on my sister Lera's blog and I really wanted to do it. Please feel free to be tagged if you read this.

1. Peeing your pants is very embarrassing, but still crucial.
2. Being a geek is the best thing about me
3. It's OK to fall asleep on top of the clean laundry that is mounded on your bed. It's quite comfy really.
4. That hearing friends state that I should be a writer is a sign to get my butt in gear.
5. Spiders are totally creepy. Dead and detached spider legs are equally creepy.
6. My sisters love me.
7. I'm addicted to Alias re-runs
8. I think I'm allergic to cats... (Is it possible to get new allergies when you get older???)
9. I have the coolest and most eclectic friends on the planet.
10.Hugh Jackman is so Hot it makes me cry. (Please watch Australia!!!!)


Lera said...

Glad yoy followed suit Rie! Did you pee your pants again?

Rie Pie said...


Way to share embarrising news, huh. I blog it. And you comment that this is a reoccurance. Good times.

Barb said...

Sometimes there is WAY TOO MUCH INFO.....