Today marks the third year from my Mother's passing. Three is normally my favorite number; but not today. Today 3 rises as a dark suffocating wave trying to bury me. I can't handle the time that is passing. I miss my Mom. I miss having her craziness and generosity sprinkle through my life. Last night, I cried myself asleep. I didn't want today to come. But it did. And I'm here. Without her.
Last night I slept in her old shirt and I wore it again today to work because I didn't want to take it off. It's faded, it's old, and even though it's not possible I sometimes think it smells like her closet. A closet that I used to love opening and feeling the soft material of faded and well used clothes. The smell carried powdery lotion, soft wood, fresh soap, and somehow memories.
My Mom's clothes were always used and abused. She had moccasins that were missing beads on the top. Dresses that never fit her shoulders. Pants that always had thread strings hanging off a seam. Her shirts were overly soft from use. The colors changed through time into muted blends. There were patches ironed onto thinning fabrics. Safety pins holding buttons in place. Tags that no longer held script because of wear. Lace with extra eyelets that were uneven with the pattern.
My mom never really cared about having new and up to date clothing. She always sacrificed for things she loved more; her family, her fun, and food.
Growing up I was always entertained with the newest board game or movie. I have many memories of going shopping with my Mom and buying ridiculous things that would entertain us for the weekend. We went out to eat with relish; we dined out almost as much as we dined in. She would buy trinkets for the grand kids. She lent/gave money to those who needed it. She bought gifts for the entire neighborhood during the holidays. She gave us updated summer and winter wardrobes every year.
My mom was a giver. Whether it be Easter eggs to every widow and spinster in the neighborhood or advise to a child unwilling to listen.
She gave everything. No one was left wanting when they were in company of my Mother. Today as I wear a raggedy faded t-shirt, I remember her generosity. I remember her need to help others. I remember her willingness to serve.
She didn’t just give me the shirt off her back, she gave me life. I wish I could share it with her.
My heart breaks for you. I cry as I read this. I can feel your pain even though I have never been there. I wish I could have known your mother but I will cherish the memories you just shared with us. Best of luck today, you are in my thoughts!
This is beautiful! Made me cry. Love you so, dear sister.
This is beautiful. You really are an eloquent writer my dear friend. I do feel your pain and know it well. I love this post. I love that you are able to write and let these feelings out. I love that you wore her shirt. I love that you have such amazing memories of an amazing women. She did such a fantastic job with you 3 ladies. I can not wait to hug her someday and thank her for allowing me to share in the life of her daughters. I am a blessed person to have you in my life my dear sweet beautiful friend.
Rie, this pain is so real. My heart brakes for you. Keep these memories a live always. I am praying for you and sending you a huge LONG hug. I love you Rie.
I miss her SO MUCH. I miss my friend.
Rie Rie,
I read your blog, and balled as I remember the things your mom had given me. Being a Mom for me when my mom couldn't do it. Being a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with. She was thee through some of the roughest times in my childhood. You all where, and as we grew farther apart your mom never forgot us, me my mom and levi. I don't think I ever really told her, or anyone in your family how much I LOVE all of you. I miss Val. She was an amazing strong beautiful woman, who raised classy, strong beautiful woman. I know in my heart she looks down on all of you guys with so much pride,
She loved you,
as so do I.
My dearest friend when things seem to dark to handle hold on tight to your mom, your friends, your family. For we will always love you and stand beside you.
I love you guys!! Amber you are so sweet. I really don't deserve your kindness. Muah.
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