Saturday, July 26, 2008

'Rieting time' color adj.

This is a copy of the poem that I wrote for my first meeting with my bud Rachel. I've been putting this off because it is a little embarrassing for me to have this one out in the open. I was laughing so hard I started to cry when I was trying to read it out loud!!!

My mini lesson was on adjectives for color. What it would taste like, sound like, look like, feel like, makes me....

We picked a color for ourselves and then we picked a color for each other that we thought would most represent them. We would take time to write using both. Rachel said I would represent Orange because it is lively and spunky. I said she would be Lavender because she is feminine and sweet. For our writing Rachel picked White and I picked Brown. We began writing adjectives and from that list we would create a poem of our own with out actually saying the color.

(Just as an example I wrote that brown tasted bitter sweet. Brown sounds like wooden chimes in a breeze. Brown looks like warmed skin. Brown feels like antiqued leather. Brown makes me relaxed. (PS. Just remember that this was the first poem that I've written in a very long time. It is raw and is still very rough.)) enjoy.

The game.

We lay across from each other, my heart beats unsteadily onto the earthy floor.
your steady fingers place your destined figure next to mine. Naturally, wanting.
Instinctively my warm hand covers my smooth vulnerable piece.
Your soft eyes smile while you play the part of the Knight. Strong, determined.
Our motions have my queen captured and leaves us only one choice, a walk down the isle.
Tanned skin crinkles on your cheeks like antiqued leather. Warm, inviting.
We are both waiting for me to make my move.
My pale body slides down the row and I am taken. Check, mate.


Lera said...

I know it's not intended to be but this poem is sexy, sexy. Yikes. I can't believe that came out of my little sister. Very well written though!

Rachel Ream said...

So, since she thought it was about sex, did Lera think your hand over his peice was his...?
It is sensual but I didn't take it that way.

The Rookie said...

I read somewhere that any good poem is about sex at some level.

This was a good poem.