Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Garfield gone crazy

When Lera and I were younger, we went to the library - a lot. Our mom told us that we were allowed to check out 20 books at a time or 10 movies. Lera and I used to have reading competitions.

Lera started out giving me the advantage of having about 1,000 pages less to read than her, I won most of the time. Then it went to 800, 500 and then 200 pages. Finally we started doing the same amount. It was neck and neck with our winnings. (Or maybe she won most of the time.)

My books were always so much easier to read then hers. She would read novels about vampires, school criteria, and LDS fiction, I would read goosebumps and Ender's Game...repetitively.

I also loved Garfield comics. I seriously think that I have read every Garfield comic book in that library. It didn't count toward the competitions, but I still loved them.

Its been about 12 years or so since I've read one and then I came across these from a friend at work.

Garfield Minus Garfield.

They have taken Garfield out of the strips. And it makes John look completely crazy. You should google them and have a laugh.

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