Friday, May 15, 2009

1 - 10

If you read this blog I challenge you to do this on yours. What to do is count 1 -10 and name random things about you. I saw this on a friends blog and I thought this looked fun. You can pick any list of favorites that you want to list.
#1 you name 1 item, #2 you name 2 things, # 3 you name 3 items, and so forth.

#1- favorite movie - Big Fish

#2- favorite color - Brown, White

#3- favorite bands - Muse, Incubus, Beatles

#4- favorite foods - Pizza, salads, sandwiches, sushi

#5- favorite animals - camels, owls, polar bears, cats, deer

#6- favorite songs- hallelujah, black bird, imagine, hey jude, pardon me, Stockholm syndrome

#7- favorite restaurants- MiMi's Cafe, La Luna, Cafe Rio, Teppan Yaki, Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory, happy sumo

#8- favorite actors- Ewan Mcgregor, Johnny Depp, James Mcavoy, Will Smith, Kevin Spacey, Ian Mcklellan, Heath Ledger, George Clooney

#9- favorite places to go- Barnes and Noble, Port Angeles, Bear Lake, Out to eat, Fat Catz, Theater, Movies, Home

#10- favorite people- London, Monte, Braedo, Trevor, Davis, Lera, Greg, Palmer, Mom, Dad

Whoo. That was not as easy as I thought it would be!! Now it's your turn.


criste said...

you have great taste...except for the sushi!

Lera said...

I agree! I want to go to Mimi's soon!