Sunday, May 3, 2009


This weekend I went and watched X-men Origins:Wolverine. Twice.
It was awesome and honestly it passed the geek test!! Not only was this a 2 hour show off of Hugh Jackman's completely deliciously beefy sweaty body the cinematography was beautiful.

I am a proud geek. I religiously watched the X-men cartoon series in the early 90's. I normally take a bowling name of X-girl. I read fan-fictional stories online. When the Wolverine Origin comic book came out when I was in my teens, I was one of the first in line to get the comic book. (I forgot my money in the hype and had to read it with a friend that bought it.) The beginning of this movie is what was in the comic book. Wolverine's father, bone claws, and overcoming sickness where all in this said wonderful comic. And it brought an awesome factor that has been missing from my X-men obsessed life.

Later I found out that x-men was going to be a movie. I practically peed my pants in the excitement but then I found out that my favorite X-men character wouldn't be in the films. Gambit, the hot Cajun speaking, thief of more than women's hearts, gambler, and able to manipulate kinetic energy,man. Gambit also has a hypnotic charm, which was never going to be shown to the masses. After the movies 1,2, and 3 came out, I was having x-men withdraw so I bought the x-men cartoon series on DVD. Every Season. Then there were rumors about an origins movie. Hugh Jackman played the lead, which meant Wolverine would be AWESOME once more. There were also rumors about Gambit being in the film!!! Yay!

But it wasn't just Gambit, it was Sabretooth (and I was glad that he wasn't sporting a lions mane and loin cloth!!), Bolt, Deadpool (played by the ultra-sexy Ryan Reynolds), the blob, Agent Zero aka Maverick, Wraith, Silverfox, Striker, Emma Frost, and every one's boy hero, Cyclops.

***Spoiler below. Don't keep reading if you don't want to!!
I don't want to ruin anything for those that haven't seen the movie, but I just have to say that Silverfox's mutant powers are not the same as in the comic series. And that her "sister" being Emma Frost, is not correct in the least. Also the guest apperance of Xavier was a little creepy! He looked a little Michael Jackson-ish with his CGI facial features while he was trying to round up the children into his jet. Just saying.


The Rookie said...

You are a geek. And I love you for it!

And Hugh melts me into a blubbery pool of lust.

we love cake!!! said...

SARIAH!!! I didnt know you liked x-men!.....I too, must be a geek then.
I am not ashamed to say that I had X-men trading cards in elementary and watched the cartoon everyday!!! GO FLEER GAMBIT(a shiny/special card)!!