The night before the boating trip at Echo Lake, with my singles ward, our Relief Society had a special retreat in Bishop Menlove's cabin. It was so much fun.
The girls had such a good time as we laughed around the dinning room table and talked about the craziest dating experiences. Later we were all touched by each other's tender testimonies of the gospel.
We also had the privilege of listening to a choir named Divine Heritage. We were all spiritually feed by their uplifting devotional on the rich blessings the savior brings into our lives. Even though it was freezing sitting outside on the wrap-around deck, everyone was feeling the warmth from the spirit that was there.
I got to know some of the girls in my ward that I haven't gotten to know before the trip. The feeling of sisterhood that developed in our retreat was so strong and we all felt a part of something special. I'm so grateful for the Relief Society and for our ward's presidency. They are amazing women who are great examples of what a lady should be.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
'Rieting time' lyrics

I wrote a song, a love song actually. I showed my roommate Annie my lyrics and she immediately started to write music for it. She made it into a beautiful song, I hope one day I can learn the music and be able to feel comfortable enough to sing it for you.
Until then, here are the words and if you ever are so lucky to hear Annie sing-I'm sure she'd play it for you. :)
Star's Song
I wish I may, I wish I might
be the light in your dark eyes
I twinkle, only for you
glowing in the wide navy blue
I'm a falling star
falling, falling, falling for you
Milky white skin, so pale and delicate
waiting to be seen
through the soft clouds
and whistling maple leaves
I'm shining down for you to see
Watching you sleeping
on these carbon colored sheets
your heavy eyes closed tight
in perfect trust and perfect peace
I will shine bright through the night
I'm a falling star
falling, falling, falling for you
My skin, the color of sugar
tastes just as sweet
breathe in the night air
through your lips,savor me
I'm your falling star
falling, falling, falling
Random beloved poem
This poem means a lot to me. I first heard it when I was going through a really hard depression spell when I was in Jr. High. One of my friend's parents told me that he thought of me when he heard this poem. Star, became one of my nicknames because of it.
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priest like task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priest like task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.
Utah Utes

I went to my very first college football game a few weeks ago. It was super fun even though it rained almost the entire time. We were all soaked to the bone except our friend Isaac "hot sauce" Talbot who packs a travel slicker whenever he goes to an outdoor sporting event. Isaac is a hard core sports fan. I on the other hand have no idea what is going on with any sport. Isaac was kind enough to buy My, Annie's, and Neal's ticket to go see the game.
The Utes crushed Colorado State 59-6.
(A special thanks to Annie for keeping me updated on what was actually happening!!)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Ninja Strike!!

(I’d like to thank my roommates for unknowingly providing my blog with demonstration photos for my rendition of How to play Ninja Strike. Honorary room mate Neal Mortensen and roomies Logan Smith and Annie Munk)
This is a game that is played at my home often. I've never heard about it before I moved into the Chateau de la hotties, but ever since I find that more and more people know how to play the game.
The objection:
To Ninja Strike the other players until you are the last Ninja standing. (You do this by slapping one of their hands or feet.)
The rules:
-start by standing in front of your opponent with your hands centered or in a circle with the crowd you are playing with.

-Someone yells out the war cry of "NINJA STRIKE"
-Every one takes a defensive stance. You will learn quickly what type of stances will work to your advantage or will get you out of the game faster than a ninja assassin.

-The person who attacks get to make one move to try to tag the player next to him/her. Once you strike, you must stay how you land. You cannot move back to where you started from.
-The defending ninja can move once to dodge the strike.

-If the defensive ninja did not get slapped on the hands or feet they will then become the Striking Ninja.
-They have one strike toward their enemy and then they must freeze as the other ninja then dodges them and will then become the assassin.
-Continue playing until only one Ninja is left.

As you practice your ninja strikes will get faster, more lethal, and you will learn how to trick your enemies into moving into danger.

Please ask me for a demo if you ever need an object lesson. Good luck to those future ninjas out there.
(for more ninja strike photos please visit my face book photo album named "Ninja Strike".)
26 on 7-31

I turned 26 on July 31st and I celebrated with my family, my "extended family" the Dunn's, and some of my close friends. (Shannon Newman (and her hubby McWayne), Rachel (and her family RA, Eden, Zion, and Gideon), and Amber Woolsey.)
We all had dinner together and they sang to me while I opened my lovely and thoughtful gifts. I feel very blessed to have such great friends and the world's best sisters.
My sister London made this AMAZING cake. She is so talented with just about anything she tries. Naturally cake decorating is easily part of her many talents. The only thing about this cake that was better than her master decorating skill, was the taste. I have never had such a yummy cake in my whole life. This was such a great gift!!
Luckily this mass of sugar and chocolate was made to feed about 50+ people so I was able to take it home and leave it on my kitchen counter for a few days as my room mates and I flew around this like vultures and ate a piece every breakfast, lunch, and dinner until the only part left was the cardboard.
Turning 26 was weird for me. I'm not feeling old yet like others said I would, but it did bring on a small feeling of disappointment. I want to be a mom, a wife, a writer, more active in the church, and all of the other great miles stones of life and I feel like I'm no where near any of my long-term goals. Luckily for me, I have time on my side to complete my many wants in life.
When I blew out the candle I wished for something I never wished for before. It was simple and something that I wonder if anyone else would have wished for that specific thing. I can't tell you what it is because I want it to come true. I feel like it's starting to... :)
Echo Lake

(Logan Smith, me, and Allison Wood)
I want to live by Echo Lake, case closed.
When I was younger I used to dream about living in Garden City, but I think that is because I've never been to this amazing vacation spot. After boating here, my heart will never turn back.
My singles ward had a service challenge where everyone in the ward would donate service hours. After we all collected enough we turned them into the bishop and as a reward he took us up to Echo Lake and drove us around on his boat. One of my most favorite things in life is to go boating. I love all that it has to offer. The wind in my hair, the beautiful water below, and the sky above you and all you see is horizon. It's you and the beautiful earth showing you how surrounded you are by it's goodness.
On the boat we all danced and sang to R&B music and we laughed as our church friends tried to do tricks on the water skis. There were a few that were trying extreme-sport-style tricks on the water tube, most were unsuccessful.
We ate lunch under the shady trees. We took turns on the boat and turns under the sun on the docks with the water slapping up on our legs. We all got to know each other better as a ward family.
Yep, the rewards of service can be pretty awesome.
Bear Lake

(This is a photo to show the vast difference between my summer skin and Annie’s. Yikes!!)
Oh how I love Bear Lake. Some of my favorite childhood memories were spent next to this insanely blue body of water.
One of my childhood best friends owned a cabin in Garden City, and still to this day even though I haven’t seen him almost a decade, his cabin is one of my favorite places on the earth. I also went to Bear Lake for Shannon’s family reunion every year. Her family became a part of my family and I feel in love with all of them and our temporary home by the lake.
This August my friend Mike invited me up to camp on his property. My room mate Annie and him are really good friends, and I’m grateful that they are because I would have never met such an amazing guy as Mike, with out her. The were four of us ladies that shared the camper while the guys slept outside in tents.
The waves on the lake were super choppy because the weather was almost bad, partly cloudy. (Which is what I call Annie-Rie weather because she loves the sun and I love the shade) Riding the ski-do was scary because we would bounce a few feet in the air with every bad wave and there were a few times that my body completely left the ski-do as well as Annie. When we were done with our terrifying yet elating ride we were slowly pulling our ski-do in past the first set of boonies and we cut the engine. Our ski-do started to tip and I leap-frog jumped off of it thinking that would save Annie from falling in. Wrong! My legs sent the already diagonal Ski-do flying to the side and both of us were catapulted into the freezing lake. It was a sight to see.
We read books on the seashell covered beach and took a ton of pictures of our friends and some un-expecting hotties next to us that were playing football. We ate raspberry ice cream shakes and laughed about the previous late night secret swimming adventures.

(Becky Foster, me, and Annie Munk)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
ode to the sexy voice of John Mayer

In August I was lucky to go to the John Mayer concert with two of my favorite people. (Neal Mortensen and Annie Munk) It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. John Mayer was sultry in the way he wooed the crowd with his velvety soft voice.
Everywhere you looked there were ladies screaming and fanning themselves, men clapping in awe, and homemade signs being waved like surrendering flags to the majesty of what is John Mayer's poetically enchanting lyrics.
If I could die and come back as in inanimate object, I would be the first in line to be John Mayer's guitar. The way he plays that instrument looks almost as though some heartbreaking unrequited love story is being told, as his fingers dance along the strings. The poor guitar has no way express it's wanting to be with John, so she sings out loud wishing he understands her.
This concert was truly magical. I was happy that most of the songs he sang I was able to sing along with and the one's I've never heard before became fast favorites.
My two favorite songs are:
This is the sexiest song ever written. I cannot even stand how hot the music vs. the lyrics are in this song. The guitar has face melting solos as it's trying to seduce the masculine voice that is weaving in and out of it's delicious cords. *sings* "Ohh-oooo Gravity" Please listen to this song!!
Interestingly enough, this song reminds me of my Mom. I know that the lyrics are supposed to be about a broken up couple, but I can't help but think of the hard times I have had after my mom's passing and The waking up is the hardest part" and all you can do is "You roll outta bed and down on your knees". I heard this song for the first time when I was standing in a Quizno's restaurant and I was bawling. The girl behind the counter looked as though she had no idea what to do, so I left, and I found out the title of the song and made a CD so I could listen to it until it became a part of me.
NaBloPoMo, take 2

Last year I took on the challenge to blog one post for each day of the month of November. NaBloPoMo(National Blog Posting Month)was extremely fun for me to complete in 2009. I loved it. This year I'm taking on the goal of blogging throughout November with a bit of hesitancy.
This summer has probably been one of the busiest seasons of my life. Between traveling and work and meeting new and delicious single friends, I have just fallen out of the habit of blogging. Actually I'm going to be really honest here, I haven't even touched my book in the last 5 months, and I'm really embarrassed to admit that. I've found more distractions in life than I ever could have planned for.
There has been a lot that has happened and luckily for me that gives me many things to blog about; so this month I'm going to make a goal of writing for every day and while doing so I can hopefully catch everyone up on what I have been doing these past few months.
I've prepared by making a list of 30 topics and I even had a bit of overflow so I'm hoping that writing these posts will be easy and I wont get stopped by writer's block. Wish me luck., I've missed you my dear friend. I'm glad that we are starting to hang out again. I'm hoping that time away from you hasn't ruined our friendship, or my writing...
1 post down - 29 to go.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I Write Like...
Go here. Copy and paste something you've written (I used my a few pages from my book that I'm working on.) I was surprised to see who my pages were calling to. I got this link from Confession of a Rookie's page. This was fun.
Monday, June 21, 2010
blog idea #1

Last month I not only had a lot on my plate but I also was having a blog dry spell. The beautiful musings of postings past had drifted away from me and I was unable to find what I wanted to write about. I would sign in to Blogger and sit in front of my layout for about an hour or so without anything coming to mind. Being a true Nichols girl, I went to the pen and paper for help. Life always seems better when there is a list to be made. The subject of this list was "blog ideas - write away".
Today as I turned in my journal to that blog list I decided to start with #1. Two magical words sang back to me as I felt happy with my decision to start at the top.
#1. Friend Spotlights
(write down friends/family names and draw them at random to do a spotlight on them. Make each one personal and easy to read.)
I wrote down names of loved ones and put them into a blue coke-a-cola glass and drew the first spotlight.
drum roll...
Spotlight: Rachel Ream

Full Name:
Rachel Erin 'Mckinnon' Ream
Things I love about you:
You are such a thoughtful and sincere person. You take friendship and family seriously. I can always depend on you to listen or to have someone to be there for me. I love that you always call me or write me a letter on important dates regarding my mother. You're always on time and you are super dependable. You are the best massage therapist in the world. I love your urban fashion and your many ways to pay less for amazingly cute things.
Something Rachel doesn't know:
I think of Rachel as one of the key roles in me gaining a testimony of the LDS church. Between the conversations while working at Shopko, going to church, and just being a wonderful friend, I was given many enlightened experiences. She helped me realize the love that Heavenly Father has for me. She also was extremely supportive of me taking my time to gain a testimony for myself.
Things to know about Rachel:
She has an amazing singing voice. It's sweet, clear, and beautiful. She is a great writer. She is my co-captain of the 'rieting time' group. She is a very patient and loving mother of 3. She is extremely smart and always witty.
Some of Rachel's nicknames:
Scout, Pookie, Rache...
A memory of Rachel that she might not remember:
In girl's camp we were hanging out in our group's tent. I was lying down on a sleeping bag and reading. Rachel was looking through a notebook where I had some drawings and random things that I had written down. On the first page there was a disco song that I was in love with. She sang the song in a jewel-like voice and in a very slow and indie rhythm. Later when we were home and I showed her the insanely heavy disco beat that came from the actual song - she hated it. I have never sung that song with it's real tune since. :)
Small note to Rachel:
I'm so grateful that you are my friend. I have so much respect for the way that you love and mother your children. I love how our friendship has grown so solid over the years. I am blessed to have you to depend on and to be able to talk to. Your kind and wise words have helped me so much. You are one amazing lady and I hope that in the future I can be as genuine and sweet hearted as you are. Thank you for always being patient with me and my craziness. I love you very much. XO. Rie.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Time may change me

Hello friend.
My blog gives the impression that I’m slacking. My posts have decided to take a vacation without my knowing. Some people I work with had asked my why I haven’t been blogging. My reply to these unexpected readers…I was busy. To quote one of my Heroes Jane Austen, “Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.” When ever I feel overwhelmed by life’s demands I always can hear the strong clear voice of Fanny Price say this memorable line.
However, as of late, my life seems to be full of busy some things instead of nothings. I was born with the mind to go through life with a die-hardism objective. I find change extremely difficult. I look to the past and compare the present to it with a lack of hope.
Presently, I find myself comfortable with the outcomes of my recent stresses.
Between all of the packing and unpacking, moving and finding new roots, and the goodbyes to a much loved friend as she left her wedding reception coupled, I feel completely happy with my present changes.
One of my favorite movies is French Kiss. I think that the protagonist Kate and I are kindred spirits. She is loyal, stubborn, and knows exactly what she wants in life. Her fears corner her into life habits. She also finds herself sincerely surprised when there is anything that doesn't follow her plans.
At the end of the movie her struggles are all mollified by the new life she was in. She was happy, standing in a vineyard that smelled like grapes and lavender while being held by Kevin Kline. (Not too shabby!!)
I didn’t know 6 months ago that my best friend would marry a man that she wasn’t interested in dating. Luckily Shannon and McWayne fell into a perfect love with each other. I couldn’t imagine a better match for my friend. He is kind, generous, spiritual, and supportive.
I was surprised by how many people I had at disposal when I asked for help. My move was so quick. I had so many volunteers that I had to send people home. I have had to make schedules for people to help me pack and unpack. I’ve had so many loved ones supporting me.
I had no idea a few months ago that I would be moving into a smaller bedroom with a small dog and two roommates. I was trying to get my own place. I was furniture shopping. I was planning my color choices for each room. I was buying things that would only fit into my own dream place. But that didn’t happen. I’m living in my old apartment complex that I moved out of into a larger living arrangement. But I notice I’m smiling as I’m unpacking. I’m at perfect ease when I talking to my roommates. It feels natural as though I’ve been here for years. I feel as though my life has lead up to be here. To be sitting on the floor next to a bed frame that is only half way put up. Happy. I’m so happy.
I feel as though I’ve been repotted and immediately my life is blooming. My roots are already deep and sheltered.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Things I am not a fan of...
Ed Hardy - Seriously? He is a crap designer. I can't stand the tattoo art that is on every teen t-shirt, purse, and shoe I see. Your art reminds me of a modern Lisa Frank. I don't get it.
Xanadu - I watched this for my first and last time with my friend Jen. This was the worst movie I've ever seen. Now I understand why everyone makes fun of it.
Twitter - Why does updating your status though out the day appeal to so many people? I don't want to read about how Jessica Simpson uses ear candles. These tweets are starting to show up in my magazines and I'm not happy about it.
Leggings - It doesn't matter if you are wearing leggings under a dress that barely covers your bum, it's still immodest. It's just like wearing pantie hose under a short dress, except your ankles are showing. Just saying.
Yelling - Please, calm down people. I'm pretty sure if I'm right in front of you, in the same room, on the phone, or in the car I can hear you.
Potty humor - It's not funny. It's gross.
Abusive dieting - Stop flaunting how big/fat/ugly/worthless you are. The only one you are convincing is yourself. Please stop being mean to my friend, which is you. You don't have to be rail thin to be amazing. You already are.
Hatred - Whether it's for a race, gender, age, belief, sexual orientation, or status. Please stop. I'm so tired of hearing the back handed comments that shows everyone exactly who you hate. Everyone is different. I'm always surprised that people are not used to this...
Xanadu - I watched this for my first and last time with my friend Jen. This was the worst movie I've ever seen. Now I understand why everyone makes fun of it.
Twitter - Why does updating your status though out the day appeal to so many people? I don't want to read about how Jessica Simpson uses ear candles. These tweets are starting to show up in my magazines and I'm not happy about it.
Leggings - It doesn't matter if you are wearing leggings under a dress that barely covers your bum, it's still immodest. It's just like wearing pantie hose under a short dress, except your ankles are showing. Just saying.
Yelling - Please, calm down people. I'm pretty sure if I'm right in front of you, in the same room, on the phone, or in the car I can hear you.
Potty humor - It's not funny. It's gross.
Abusive dieting - Stop flaunting how big/fat/ugly/worthless you are. The only one you are convincing is yourself. Please stop being mean to my friend, which is you. You don't have to be rail thin to be amazing. You already are.
Hatred - Whether it's for a race, gender, age, belief, sexual orientation, or status. Please stop. I'm so tired of hearing the back handed comments that shows everyone exactly who you hate. Everyone is different. I'm always surprised that people are not used to this...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today, 3 is not my favorite number

Today marks the third year from my Mother's passing. Three is normally my favorite number; but not today. Today 3 rises as a dark suffocating wave trying to bury me. I can't handle the time that is passing. I miss my Mom. I miss having her craziness and generosity sprinkle through my life. Last night, I cried myself asleep. I didn't want today to come. But it did. And I'm here. Without her.
Last night I slept in her old shirt and I wore it again today to work because I didn't want to take it off. It's faded, it's old, and even though it's not possible I sometimes think it smells like her closet. A closet that I used to love opening and feeling the soft material of faded and well used clothes. The smell carried powdery lotion, soft wood, fresh soap, and somehow memories.
My Mom's clothes were always used and abused. She had moccasins that were missing beads on the top. Dresses that never fit her shoulders. Pants that always had thread strings hanging off a seam. Her shirts were overly soft from use. The colors changed through time into muted blends. There were patches ironed onto thinning fabrics. Safety pins holding buttons in place. Tags that no longer held script because of wear. Lace with extra eyelets that were uneven with the pattern.
My mom never really cared about having new and up to date clothing. She always sacrificed for things she loved more; her family, her fun, and food.
Growing up I was always entertained with the newest board game or movie. I have many memories of going shopping with my Mom and buying ridiculous things that would entertain us for the weekend. We went out to eat with relish; we dined out almost as much as we dined in. She would buy trinkets for the grand kids. She lent/gave money to those who needed it. She bought gifts for the entire neighborhood during the holidays. She gave us updated summer and winter wardrobes every year.
My mom was a giver. Whether it be Easter eggs to every widow and spinster in the neighborhood or advise to a child unwilling to listen.
She gave everything. No one was left wanting when they were in company of my Mother. Today as I wear a raggedy faded t-shirt, I remember her generosity. I remember her need to help others. I remember her willingness to serve.
She didn’t just give me the shirt off her back, she gave me life. I wish I could share it with her.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Incredibly LOST.

I’m a big fan of the television show LOST. I also like to wait for my TV shows to come out on DVD before I watch them. This normally makes me a season or two behind on what is currently being aired. So, luckily, if you are watching LOST on TV this post contains no spoilers. If you don’t watch LOST but would like to in the future, don’t keep reading, because heavy spoiling and whining will ensue. (Right now I’m on season 4 of LOST.)
How I love the two men in the pic above my post. Sayid. Desmond. Mmm. I don’t know what it is about these actors, but they make me love them. I think it is also obvious that they probably shouldn't; they’re sweaty, hairy, crazy, and their characters keep getting weirder!!
Is anyone keeping up with the plot? I need a LOST for dummies book. Every episode brings up 10 more questions for me that seem to never get answered.
What is the black mist? Why was there a comic book with a polar bear and Walt? Who is Jacob? Why is time travel becoming part of the show? Why did they have to kill off Charlie and is the owner of the “rescue” boat a bad guy? Why does Kate have Aaron? Why does Jack want to go back to the Island? What is happening to poor Desmond? Who does Locke think he is? Why is everyone clean shaven? Why is no one killing Ben? Why can't I kill Ben?
Is anyone else having this love/hate relationship? Why do I keep watching this show??
I’ll tell you why; geek is in my soul and anything that is weird or insane seems to sing to me. “Watch me”, the crazy weird show lures…and I listen.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Does anyone...
still write hand written letters?
keep wedding invites, because one day down the road you might use that same color scheme?
collect boxes and bags and laundry baskets full of paper bills because you pay online but your too scared to stop the paper trail?
tear up bills and stick small pieces of the letter into different trash bins so you might confuse an identity thief - you know just in case?
keep letters from friends that they don't even talk to anymore or even really like for the matter?
have a secret box to hold all of your most precious letters?
keep Christmas cards from the people you love and never look at them again?
stash invites from miscellaneous get togethers because you like to collect them?
write thank you letters and never send them?
have letters sent to more than one address because you haven't updated your current residence in quite a while?
remember when you were a kid and getting a piece of mail made you feel incredible?
write letters in rough drafts and never send them?
open a letter from the side instead of the top?
wish that someone from your past would contact you?
write more rough drafts and throw them away?
place stamps upside down? (It means "I love you.")
pray that you write the recipients address correctly and beautifully so you don't have to open the envelope and start over?
wish that you could get letters from heaven; just like on Saturday's Warriors?
want an address book but never updates it and doesn't know how to start collecting addresses?
Me too.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Job opening
Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know that FedEx at my call center is hiring. It's a good job and we rarely hire. If you know anyone that is looking let them know!!
They have to apply online at (careers)
Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.
I just wanted to let you know that FedEx at my call center is hiring. It's a good job and we rarely hire. If you know anyone that is looking let them know!!
They have to apply online at (careers)
Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sariah in Wonderland

I love Alice in Wonderland!!
I remember when I was a little girl twirling in front of the tv while the roses sang and the tulips swayed in harmony. I giggled as the Mad Hatter got overly excited about some one's un-birthday. I felt the stress as the white rabbit CONSTANTLY kept pushing Alice through time. I watched in wonder when the Caterpillar blew out puffs of letters. My head bobbled from side to side while the cards waddled and danced while painting the roses red. I was scared for the little oysters that were to become the Walrus' dinner. I stretched my smile as the Cheshire cat teased Alice through the hard times. I wanted to fast forward the stupidity of Tweetle-dee and tweetle-dumb as they made honking noises - Man, I hated those idiots.
Thirteen years later the story picks up in Tim Burton's rendition of Alice in Wonderland. The critics did not seem to like it. I heard how the scenery was too loud and the that actors couldn't keep up. (I snort in the direction of this statement. Nothing out does Johnny Depp or Helena Bonham Carter.)I heard that this movie was an insult to Mr. Lewis Carroll; in the fact that it did not relate to his novels besides the characters. I also heard that the 3D was bad because it didn't invite the audience into the movie. To these educated and honorable movie critics I have one Question. Did you even watch the movie.

It was wonderful. It was a perfect movie that has beautiful scenes, amazing actors, a great screen play, fabulous CGI, and I have to mention the thing that keep my complete interest and stirred loving feelings in me that I have never dreamed I would feel...the clothing. Every piece of fabric was perfect. All of the pearls, scarves, beading, silks, and cords were perfectly placed. Every article of clothing was a perfect example of my dream wardrobe. If I could dress that way, every day and not be thought a lunatic, I would.
Tim Burton is a mastermind.
I'm sure that everyone has been asked the question "If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?", well my answer is simple. It would be Mr. Burton. I'd want him to pick out the entire table scheme, the atmosphere, the music, the food, and even my outfit. I absolutely love him and his amazing talented wife. (I guess she could come for dinner too. :)
Please go and see this movie. It is essential for a creative mind to see.

Monday, February 22, 2010
The blessing of singledom

Although this picture looks like a vision out of my Sariah-waking-up-happily-married-to-fox-of-a-man daydream; I find my self enjoying the picture and moving on.
Just lately, I have not been having the daydreams that show me as getting married in the "insert the temple of your dreams here" or dreaming about the bundle of children I will have one day. (odd how some look like Ewan Mcgregor – the other, LL Cool J) I haven't even been imagining about never having to work again and spending my days going to the park with my family.
Nope, not one of these daydreams has been entertaining my thoughts for the past few months.
My imaginings are of a more of a solitary nature.
I dream of the day that I can become a published and an acclaimed author. I even urn for the day that I can own my own place that is clean and can have as many feminine touches that my heart desires. I’m excited for the uncountable days of waking up diagonally across my bed, all of the covers selfishly surrounding me, and not worrying about bad breath until I actually am forced to leave my house.
These beautiful and delicious thoughts have truly been filling my every wish.
Yes, I want to get married and have the entire children/house/pet package. But it seems as thought my heart has been pushing this end into a much later future than I had previously desired.
I love being able to go out when ever I want and only having to pay for one dinner/ticket/souvenir- not two. I don’t have to worry about car seats, dirty diapers, and babysitters. I don’t have to wait for a man to bring home the bacon. (I’m allergic to it anyways.) I get to watch the movies that I want to watch. Bathe when I want to relax. Clean - and have it stay clean. I order what I want on the pizza of my choice. My music selection is always playing. I get the best seat in the house. I get to pray and read and get ready in peace.
I’m sure; if the time comes for me to get married I will be ecstatic.
But until then, I am enjoying being #1. Hallelujah.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Memories of Noodle

Mr. Noodle is a character off of Elmo's World, a very loved TV show of Chase Fisher. Chase was a boy that I nannied for about 2 years. He was the cutest little guy with such a sweet temperament. It was a sad time for him with his parents going through a divorce and then neither one of them being home...ever. Our favorite game was when he would get on my back and I would run around the house slapping the walls right before I ran into them. Trust me, I know it doesn't sound too fun, but his intense high giggles made it the best game ever. To settle down we would sit on the couch, eat dinner (which normally had a course of gummy bears), and watch Mr. Oooodle.
I love white-trashy-food. My friend Meaggie taught me how to make a noodle burrito. Mmmm. (Also, very healthy.) lol. Step 1. take a package of ramen and open one end. Fill this half way up with warm water and let soak. Step 2. slowly make sure that all of the noodles become al dente. Step 3. drain water. Step 4. Add seasoning and mix in with a fork-trying to get it evenly coated. Step 5. Push noodles down into the package into a rectangle shape. Step 6. roll the excess package over until you have a tight roll. Step 7. sit on it for 15-30 minutes. (ha.) Step 8. heat in the microwave and remove from package or take it out or package and roll in tin foil - roast on a campfire. I laughed when she told me about the ramen burrito-then I tried it. It's super yummy on a camp fire.
The band Gorillaz has a virtual band; their in that said band is my favorite character, Noodle. She is freaking awesome, RIP. (Her pic is above) The lead singer of the band draws his characters and they regularly star in his music videos and decorate his cd covers. I love the song Feel Good Inc and Clint Eastwood.
Cranberry Orange Chicken over a bed of noodles was the first dish that Greg cooked for our family. Lera's husband Greg was pulled from a Singles Ward parking lot, by our mother, and invited over for dinner. He thought it was cool that we all had dinner together and offered to cook the next time he came over. At the time he worked at Albertson's. He bought a cook book and the required ingredients and made us all dinner. It wasn't the best dinner... But we all treasure Greg in our family. From the first Sunday dinner he cooked to the current ones, Sunday's wouldn't be as fun as they are now with out my Bro Greg.
The best scene of Lady and the Tramp was when they are sitting together and eating spaghetti. The noodle - what a simple tool that Walt Disney thought of to bring them together as a couple. awww.
My mom used to take me and Lera to the Hunter High School swimming pool to play. We loved to swim growing up. I remember how they would always have the floating boards to help us paddle our way across the pool. I also remember the very rare and ultra colorful pool noodles. I envied the kids that had them as I had my rubber band colored board. They floated in the pool like colorful sprinkles on top of a water cake. The boards were good to stand on and try to stay up, but the pool noodles, oh those pool noodles had endless possibilities. You could sit, jump rope, seesaw, rocking horse, rainbow, snake, and balance beam across the pool. Pure innocent magic.
Red Robin is a restaurant that my best friend Shea and I visit a lot. On the wall in the hallway as the waiter takes us to our seat, I pass my favorite Red-Robin-Poster. Different types of noodles and how they all differ in appearance. My favorite type of noodle is the bow-tie or Farfalle pasta.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Last year I saw my friend Alice make a post about her word for the year. It's a word to lead you through the year and remind you what to focus on. When I saw it I really wanted to blog about it!! Of course I forgot.
This year, dear Alice, had continued the word of the year. Luckily I was reminded by her post and this time I'm not going to forget to blog my personal word of the year.
My resolutions this year are very spherical and don't really have any designated out come. I simply want to be better this year. Better at everything. Small and strong growth that will become a permanent part of my being. With my resolutions, that are written down over 3 entire pages, I realized the perfect word for me this year.
A tip of the hat to the Online Webster's Dictionary to give it's perfect definitions;
1 : for an additional time : again begin anew
2 : in a new or different form a story told anew on film
I like the old me, she's defiantly staying, but it's time for the old me to marinade in something other than the past. It's time to add new life. New passions. New soul.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Leaving 2009

My sister Lera tagged me on this 2009 recap and it's a good thing; I have had the hardest time thinking up new blog ideas. Here we go...
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? I saw the Statue of Liberty for my first time. It was amazing.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Only one was kept; I travelled more. I had a trip to Disneyland and New York. This year I have made a ton of resolutions. Let's see how I do.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? The two that I'm very close to were my sister Lera and my good friend Jamie.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thankfully.
5. What countries did you visit? None, that will hopefully change in the next few years.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? A better self-esteem and a small amount of debt.
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory and why? Emily and Jenn's wedding day. Also, my little nephew Brody was born.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? surviving.
9. What was your biggest failure? Not living life passionately.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Last year was a harsh year for depression.
11. What was the best thing you bought? Tour tickets in New York. Thanks for finding it London!! Also, I bought my first Black dress.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? All of my close friends and family were amazing, however, I would really like to focus on my nephew Trevor. He really has become such a smart little guy. He is such a character.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? this is not a nice question...
14. Where did most of your money go? Vacations, credit card bills, and eating out
15. What did you really, really, really get excited about? I know that this is going to sound lame, but I love books and there were a lot of good reads this year.
16. What song will always remind you of 2009? Feeling Good- Muse
17. Compared to this time last year are you: Happier? This year was a hard one for me to feel happy. Thinner? No, ha. Richer? Sadly, I've lived paycheck to paycheck...
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? service
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? eat
20. How did you spend Christmas? sleeping in and family time
21. How will you be spending New Years? I spent it at my pal Alice's house with her family and Rookie.
22. Did you fall in love in 2009? not so much.
23. How many one-night stands? Zero.
24. What was your favorite TV program? Chuck
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? I don't hate anyone.
26. What was the best book you read? Two. The Peacegiver and Catching Fire
27. What was your biggest musical discovery? Sia!! How I love her urban soul voice.
28. What did you want and you got? A new TV
29. What did you want and not get? A bigger paycheck
30. What was your favorite film of this year? Probably Star Trek, however, I saw North and South for my first time in 2009. That is a great movie!!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old did you turn? Family dinner and I turned 25
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? If I had become more active/strong in the church.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009? Dark colors with colorful accessories.
34. What kept you sane? My sisters and amazing friends
35. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? I love Ewan, Richard Armitage is freaking awesome.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? The economy
37. Who did you miss? My mom, so much, and my friend Jenn- she moved to New York :(
38. Who was the best new person you met? Brody
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009: forgiveness and appreciation
40. Quote or Song Lyric that sums up your year: Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I want to tag Lisa, Rookie, and Sam. Have at it girls!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Updating my personal favorites...

designer- Kenneth Cole, Burberry Britt, & Vera Wang
painter- James C. Christensen
makeup brand- MAC
perfume- Burberry Britt
men's cologne- Kenneth Cole
shoe maker- D&G, Sergio Rossi, & many, many others.
kind of hat- Cabby hat
Animal- Camels, llamas, and owls
superhero- superman
bird- black bird
flower- Lilies and poppies
tree- weeping willow
playground equipment- swing
penny candy- Swedish fish
favorite take-out- Chinese
best fries- leatherby's cheese fries
best shake- Hometown Shakes in Garden City
favorite smoothie flavor- Aloha Pineapple
favorite fruit- blueberry
favorite vegetable- anything green
favorite restaurant meal- sushi
comfort food- mac and cheese
favorite day of the week- Saturday
favorite vacation spot- Washington
lucky number- 3
board game- Loaded Questions and Ticket to Ride
tv show- Chuck
reality tv show- Biggest Loser
shape- Triangle
poem- weep you no more, sad fountains
video game- I suck at them all but I like to watch them. That's even more lame.
food- spicy
sport- bowling
color- Brown
holiday- Halloween
website- Facebook
store- Barnes and Noble
subject- Creative Writing
book- Sense and Sensibility
movie- Big Fish
collection- scarves
drink- Diet Coke
song- imagine, black bird, hallelujah, and Feeling Good
band- Muse
chick flick- The Holiday
teen fiction- The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and The Host
Actress- Kate Winslet and Ginnifer Goodwin
Actor- Ewan Mcgregor
occupation- writer
Friday, January 22, 2010
whirlwind of thoughts

1. I can't decide what to blog about.
2. I am so grateful for my job in such hard financial times. Now all I need to do is start spending my money wisely.
3. I really get stressed out over car and computer issues. Right now both are working great (knock on wood, twice) and I do appreciate that. I don't just notice the bad incidences, I'm noticing the good ones. Alice, (My cars name.) your smooth riding has been a miraculous thing as of late. I love that I can depend on you to get to and from work even when the gas light is on. Bean, (My 'puter's name. I know, I have a name for my computer...) thank you so much for keeping my book-in-progress safe!! Even through that nasty viral worm and not so modest SPAM pop ups, you've stuck in there.
4. I also love romantic period movies. Oh, Richard, your acting in North and South truly makes me swoon. I love you!! And BTW, I would have looked back at you.
5. I can't decide what color my hair is going to be dyed. I like the dark but I think it's time for a change. I miss the days in school when I would have every color of the rainbow. I'm trying to be more modest - I have to remind myself.
6. I really want an entire chocolate brown leather living room set. Over my life I have sat in many brown leather chairs and yearned to take them home with me. The comfort one feels in a nice brown leather chair is probably comparable to sitting in a celestial cloud. Just saying.
7. I truly love my nephews. I need to make more time to hang with them.
8. My favorite job was Blockbuster. I am a total movie buff and I loved working with the crazy/cool/nerdy people there. If you ever need a wake up call to interesting personalities, get a job at Blockbuster.
9. I think some people need to come off their high horse. Self righteous know-it-alls need to back the freak off me. I am so tired of people looking down their nose at me because they think they are... smarter/cuter/wiser/skinner/richer/married/"perfect". Seriously, my dears, you are just as imperfect as I am. It's time to wake up and smell the reality. There is a big difference between being a friend and giving wise advice and being a jerk.
10. I LOVE my sisters. Lera- you complete me. lol. You really are such an amazing women. You, even in the worst of time, prove to be so dedicated to me. I appreciate your constant support and love. London- I have never met anyone that could match your passion for life. You are such a great example on how to be happy in a poopy world. You are always so kind to me, I'd have to say more than I deserve. You two are power-houses. Positive examples. I am so proud to call you two my sisters.
11. I love comic book movies, violent ones, epic wars, dumb humor, anime, and sci-fi. Now all I need is a guy to watch them with. :)
12. I'm so grateful that blogspot is a website I can visit on my work breaks. If not- I might never blog. I also get to read all of my favorite blog pages at work. I check them about 3 times a day. I'm a major stalker.
13. I waste a lot of hours surfing the ksl classifieds. I love looking at everything and I want to buy most of it. I wish I owned a truck so I could haul the things I want.
14. I have thought about trading my car in for a truck. I love them. I love how high they are, I love the bed, I love the power under the hood. I don't love the payments or the gas. Those two things I could live with out.
15. I love drinking Diet Coke for breakfast. Case closed.
16. I can't stand my handwriting. It embarrasses me. I have to rewrite my to do lists over and over because I can't stand looking at it.
17. I love flowers and foliage and trees and rocks and fog and mists and rain. At work when I need a breather I look at the ol' google image and search for random things. X-ray flowers are my new obsession. I also love Tim Burton-ish trees. <3
18. I'm not as girly as I wish to be, but I so love bows in my hair. I love putting clips and headbands that lash out wildly against my frizzy hair. I would love to have a closet full of hair stuff!!
19. I secretly have a binder full of things I would want in my future wedding. Oops. I let the secret out there. I know what type of dress I want, hair, shoes, cake, wedding song play list... I'm a freak. It's probably the only thing I have remotely organized in my life. It's also likely I might not be able to use it.
20. It is time to do a super spring cleaning. Everything I own is littered everywhere. I don't need all of this stuff. Soon EBAY, KSL, and the DI are going to be full of my stuff.
21. I'm heart broken for the people in Haiti.
22. Debt is an evil horrible demon. I know it's my fault. I know I made my own bed. I know that debt never sleeps. I've heard it all. Sadly just hearing it has obviously not made a dent in my small overspending mind.
23. Friends are amazing. There isn't much that can top a loyal, loving, and kind friend.
24. I don't think that I have worn matching socks in over a month. I have all sizes and colors of black and white. It seems that none have a match. But I still can't throw the odd ones away. Maybe, in the next few weeks, the dyer will give them back to me.
25. I have over 36,000 words in my book. I'm so proud of what I've done but I still have so much more to write. I'm nervous it's going to be crap. I'm scared of the many grammar/continuity/plot mistakes I have made. People are so harsh. I am too harsh on myself.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
My 3 day weekend - highlights
Friday: I took work off and spent the day sleeping, writing, and cleaning some house. I wanted to be able to relax and taking this day off helped me out big time. Getting enough sleep really does make life so much better. I'm at 31,400 words in my novel. I'm already in love with it's characters and I can't wait for the day that I can read more about them.

Saturday: I watched my very loved nephew Palmer. He is so happy. I just love every piece of his adoreble personality. We played a very funny game of Palmer humming me to sleep, (as the picture above details) we learned how to baa like a sheep, and we laughed at hotdogs and the funny ways we can eat them. He really is the cutest thing ever. I'm so grateful for his reminders on how life can be such a wonderful place to be.
I read an entire book called Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It was an extremely easy read and very entertaining. While reading about Poseidon I thought how it would be a very cool name for a fish. I saw a betta in my head and I remembered how much I loved having fish. I went to PetsMart at 9 pm and bought my Poseidon. I love him.

Sunday: We had a delicious greek dinner, with indian rice and glueten free cupcakes, all provided by my sister London in celebration of her hubby's birthday. Shea brought her boyfriend McWayne over and I finally got to meet him face to face. He is a great guy for my bud Shea. I think that they compliment each other perfectly.

Saturday: I watched my very loved nephew Palmer. He is so happy. I just love every piece of his adoreble personality. We played a very funny game of Palmer humming me to sleep, (as the picture above details) we learned how to baa like a sheep, and we laughed at hotdogs and the funny ways we can eat them. He really is the cutest thing ever. I'm so grateful for his reminders on how life can be such a wonderful place to be.
I read an entire book called Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It was an extremely easy read and very entertaining. While reading about Poseidon I thought how it would be a very cool name for a fish. I saw a betta in my head and I remembered how much I loved having fish. I went to PetsMart at 9 pm and bought my Poseidon. I love him.

Sunday: We had a delicious greek dinner, with indian rice and glueten free cupcakes, all provided by my sister London in celebration of her hubby's birthday. Shea brought her boyfriend McWayne over and I finally got to meet him face to face. He is a great guy for my bud Shea. I think that they compliment each other perfectly.
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