Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mice, centipedes, and cockroaches

Ugh!! Can I just say Ugh!!! I cannot post a picture with this post. I tried and I just can't.

I have lived in some pretty crazy places. I’ve lived in a home that was a mouse hot spot. The house was next to an enormous field, a log pile, and the home itself was not winterized. Have you ever seen Ratatouille- the beginning scene when all of the rats fall out of the ceiling? Well, this home was Mousatouille. There were mice on the floors, in the walls, down the stairs, in the tub, in the cupboards and yes, once in my shoe.

I rent a partial basement currently and I really love it here. But the pest that invades this basement is centipedes. Man do they give me the heebie-jeebies!! There thick long armored bodies are enough to give me goose bumps. I hate them. I hate killing them even more. I’m pretty sure I’m paying an exterminator next spring to take care of them. They love slithering around my bathroom in the summer time. They have been in my blinds, in the tub, on the ceiling, in the faucet, and creepily in my shoes.

I once lived in an apartment and I roomed with the manager of these said apartments. We needed to moved into one that needed fixing up. The former tenants were what I call... disgusting. They never cleaned their home. Never! Somehow a cockroach found out and decided to live there. The cockroach than brought its 300 offspring to the house. Then that offspring brought their 90,000 and so forth. We hired exterminators that specialized in getting rid of these horrible things. They were everywhere. The worst was when we would vacuum. Normally I like the crispy crunches the vacuum vortex creates when cleaning, but this, not so much. "We just found a family reunion", my roomy would announce over an overly loud vacuuming. They were on the curtains, in my bed, on my toothbrush, in my towels, and yes, in my shoes.

These have all been killed with poison, traps, toilet paper, wooden spoons, and you guess it, even my shoes. But alas, the pests always return in some form or another.


Lera said...

Ewwww... just reading this gave me the heebies!

In our home it's the spiders that never seem to take the hint and go away.

Sam said...

man you must have the luck! Right now I am our room is in the basement and we get really BIG creepy crawly furry friends called spiders that I HATE. The worst is when I was dreaming and I really lifted my hand up to my head to get a spider off of my eye in the dream.. yeah it was a real spider and yes I really did scream at 3 in the morning and yes I really did go flying off the bed and yes I couldnt go back to sleep.. even after I woke bryce up to kill it. yuck!

p.s I have also found centipeeds in our bathroom..