Monday, November 30, 2009

The Finale

The end of a goal is normally the sweetest part. You've finished, you've succeeded. But at the end of NaBloPoMo I find myself at a stand still. I literally am at a complete loss for a post idea. With there being so many things going on in the world and I'm still having blogger's block, the ending seems to be anticlimactic. Unfinished.

Is today really November 30th? Did my favorite season, Fall, just pass away? Am I about to go back into a blogging dry spell?

Both of my breaks at work were spent in front of my computer. I was surfing google images trying to have something light an idea into blaze. Something to get the creative juices flowing, but alas, nothing. I wasted 30 minutes of much needed break time at my computer. A place that my job has to pay me to stay.

A few people at my work find it odd that I blog. They say things like "what do you blog about when your single" or "Wow, that is really lame". There is some teasing to what they say but some truth as well. What do I blog about??

Before I left work I looked back over the last month and I saw something I didn't notice before. I saw my likes and dislikes, my love for my mother, music that swells in my soul, books that have touched my heart, traditions of old and new, foods that my Mother and Sisters taught me to cook, poetry, opinions on how the world does or should work, and goals that were met. I also saw the written form. Rie, broken into words and emotions. The writer, who isn't completely talented, but has the heart for the job. Maybe this is the big ending of November. I get to see everything that I've written about.

Driving home from work I took notice of the beautiful lights that were starting to appear more and more as night wore in. Christmas lights glowed colorful and enchanting on house trims and trees. Traffic lights danced with interchanging color. Living rooms lit up as families sat down for their dinners. Street lights glowing like a celestial orbs. Porch lights clicked on to let someone know that they had loved ones waiting to see them. The moon started to rise above the mountains. I knew that these lights were my "finale", my personal fireworks followed me the whole way home, congratulating me.


Lisa said...

Way to go and way to inspire us all to blog this month. You are an inspiration and I love that you blog when you are single, give me a break. you are amazing and I am so glad I know you.

Alice said...

I heart you and I heart when you blog.

"what do you blog about when you are single?" Who the crap says that? I enjoy several Mommy bloggers but blogging isn't just for them.

Lera said...

Wow! That's all I can say.

What a beautiful post. I for one an so glad that you blog! Whoever said that at your work is an idiot. That's like saying your life and your ideas are not of value and worth just because you aren't currently producing offspring, absolutely ridiculous! I'd much rather read your inspired words than a recap of little Johnny's first trip to Sea World. Just saying...

Oh an by the way, I believe you won NaBloPoMo. This post is much more poignant than my own finale. Good job Rie!