Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why are you so angry??

Yesterday I dedicated my post to Shannon. I told her about it and the first thing that came out of her mouth was yelled, "What!! What is it about! What did you do?". I was suprised by the annoyance that shot from her mouth. I coaxed her to the computer room to read it.

While the computer was loading she said, "Is this another one of your weird poetry things that I won't understand?!". I said "No, it's a letter."

Then she read it and criticed what I wrote. "That isn't true" and "WWWWhat??" and "That's not what happened!"

Then came the photo at the bottom of my post. The reaction that came from her should have been expected, but low and behold, again I was surprised.

"Why did you put up that picture? You know that I hate it. You should have used one that I approved of! Our teeth look awful in this photo." My reply, "ummm, I love that picture, it's our best friend picture. Why are you so angry??"

"Because I hate it," she said "look how yellow my teeth are!!"

My reply to all of this was "I'm so blogging about your reaction tomorrow. Her reply was "Fine, then do it."

So to follow through on my threat, >:), I posted it. Here you go Fanny. Bwa ha ha ha.

xo. papaya.

ps. I hope you like this "approved" photo better.
pps. I'm still not removing the other one.
ppps. Fanny, you're a pain in my fanny.


Alice said...

I liked that last post and would think it would bring a smile to Shannon's face. Sorry she didn't like it. You are nice friend my dear.

As for this daily blogging thing... I like it. Maybe after a month you won't be able to help yourself and you will keep it up :)

Rie Pie said...

I think she did like it...It's just Shannon's way of being a dork. :) She told me that I could post this to make fun.

I like posting too!! I've really enjoyed it.

Barb said...

I loved your post to Shannon, and I liked BOTH photos. You have a marvelous way with words, keep it up.

The Rookie said...

Ah, Ketchup. *Sigh*

Shan-ann-i-gan said...

Sariah Eve Nichols!!! The reason I was worried when you said you blogged about me, was because you love to write on Facebook and embarress me!! I thought you were trying to do the same thing here. If I knew what you wrote I wouldn't have responded that way. :) You know I love you and I loved what you wrote, even though I do hate that picture at the bottom. You look good, I don't. ;)

Rie Pie said...

yay!! Shea posted!!